Region Huéscar (Altiplano-North)


Altiplano is the northernmost part of the province and is formed by two regions; Huéscar and Baza. The municipality of Huescar is the most northern region of the Altiplano. The Altiplano has a mountain and semi-desert climate with hot summers and cold winters. Most people work in agriculture (almonds and olives) and the region is famous for its lamb “Lam of Segureño”. Tourism is in a growth phase; in this area you will discover the real Spanish life. The Altiplano has a very complete selection of attractions; from picturesque horse rides to paragliding and hang-gliding from the peak Jabalcón, but also windsurfing, kayaking, sailing or hiking. (Source: Provincial Tourist Office of Granada).


Demographic characteristics

The “Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía” annually determines the number of inhabitants. Here the figures are taken from the municipal registrations. We looked at the country of birth of the people who were registered with a municipality in the Huéscar region in 2017.

The figures show the following: a total of 882 foreigners lived in the Huéscar region in 2017, which was 5.64% of the population. Of these 556 people were European, this was 3.55% of the total population in the Huéscar region. The largest groups of foreigners were: English (362), Americans (173) and Africans (141). The largest groups of Europeans after the English are the Romanians (57), Frenchmen (26) and Bulgarians (17). At least according to statistics, many Europeans are not registered with the municipality.

The majority of Europeans live in:

  • Galera: 124 people corresponding to 11.23% of the population. The largest group are the English with 110 people.
  • Huéscar: 123 people corresponding to 1.64% of the population. The largest group is the English with 62 people.
  • Castril: 112 people corresponding to 5.11% of the population. The largest group are the English with 77 people.


However, if we look at the number of foreigners as a percentage of the total population, the names of other villages will appear:


Accessibility Huéscar

Aeropuerto Federico García Lorca Granada- Jaén: this airport is located next to the city of Granada. The distance from Huéscar to the airport is 169 km (2 hours). There are a total of 12 destinations, including London and Naples. Click here for all destinations.

Málaga-Costa del Sol aeropuerto: this airport is located just outside the city of Malaga. The distance from Huéscar to the airport is 285 km (3 hours). There are a total of 110 destinations, including Belfast, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Bristol, Cardiff, Cork, Doncaster, East Midlands, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Leeds/Bradfort, Liverpool,  London, Manchester, New Castle, Shannon, Southend Sen. Click here for all destinations.

Aeropuerto de Alicante-Elche: this airport is located south of the city of Alicante. The distance from Huéscar to the airport is 226 km (2 hours and 30 minutes). There are a total of 94 destinations, including a lot of destinations to UK and Ireland . Click here for all destinations.


Climate in the region Huéscar

The climate in Huéscar is warm and temperate. In the winter there is more rain than in the summers. The climate here is classified as Csa by the Köppen-Geiger system. The temperature is average 13.8 ° C. The average rainfall is 457 mm in a year. The driest month is July with 9 mm of rain. The greatest amount of precipitation falls in April, with an average of 58 mm. July is the hottest month of the year with an average temperature of 23.8 ° C. The lowest average temperature of the year is January, when it is about 5.6 ° C.


Cave houses in Huéscar

Like the Guadix region, the Altiplano has grounds that were easy to unearth; slate and clay. This has meant that many people have dug their own cave house since history. The advantage of a cave house is the thermal insulation, which ensures that the temperature remains constant throughout the year; warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The ceilings of the caves are round in shape and together with the walls they are whitewashed. Nowadays many cave dwellings have been renovated and some have even been turned into luxurious holiday homes with all their charm and comfort.


Nature in the region Huéscar

In the north of the Altiplano you will find the mountain La Sagra (2383 meters high) that is part of a nature park and also the Sierra de Castril Natural Park, which borders one of the largest natural parks of Spain, the Sierra Cazorla and Segura Natural Park(province of Jaen). The Sierra de Baza Natural Park is located in the Baza region. There are also three lakes; Embalse de San Clemente (Huescar), Embalse de Portillo (Castril) and Embalse de Negratin (Freila / Baza). In the direction of Orce, you can enter the nature park Sierra de Maria (Almeria province). The nature parks have marked hiking trails and in most cases a visitor center, where you can get information. In the region of the Huéscar you will also find the nature reserve La Losa with its very large sequoila (giant sequoia) and natural monument Peña de Castril. The area of ​​the northern Altiplano is also rich in natural caves. There are two caves in the Sierra de Castril Natural Park. Also at the foot of the Sierra Seca and Sierra La Sagra are several caves located, which are difficult to find because there are no sigs to the caves.


Villages in the region Huéscar

In the northern part of the Altiplano, the village of Huéscar has a regional function. The village is close to the mountain Sierra La Sagra (2383m), one of the highest mountains in Andalusia after the Sierra Nevada. To the west lies the beautiful (mountain) village of Castril, next to the Sierra de Castril Natural Park. Only a few kilometers south of Huéscar is the small cave village of Galera in the middle of a semi-desert landscape with typical hills. On the way to Baza you will encounter Castilléjar that is partially built on a rock. This is also a cave village. In the direction of Park Natural Sierra de Maria is situated the historic village of Orce, where they have found the oldest human remains of Europe. Below an overview of all villages in the region Huéscar. Click on the photo for more information and pictures of the village.


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